About Sylvia Mensah

Sylvia Ewuradwoa Mensah is a 21year old girl and a final year student of Ghana Media School offering Broadcast Journalism but majoring in Radio Presenting. It has always been my dream of owning a blog, radio station and orphanage. Sylvia is from a family of six: mum,dad,a brother,two sisters and myself. I am from Akwatia in the Eastern Region but stays in Kumasi.

I love watching movies (series), listening to music, reading and hanging out with friends.
Born: 15th June
Nationality: Ghanaian
You can add me on facebook Sylvie Ewuradwoa Mensah, follow me on twitter  eWuRaDwOa_lee and instagram on _Solange_West lets get interactive.. Remember God first in everything

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